Live Oak, Buxton Woods |
Unlike in the heavily forested landscape of Pennsylvania it was hard to find a long trail through the woods anywhere in the Outer Banks. So over the course of three days I cobbled together a few shorter woodland trails to explore what remains of the coastal maritime forests.
I wouldn't do these trails during warmer months as biting insects (flies, mosquitoes, chiggers, ticks) are a real problem here - one of the reasons I prefer to visit the coastal areas only in winter. It was warm enough, however, for the deer and dog ticks to be active. I did spend a bit of time after each hike removing 2-3 crawling ticks from my pants legs and the dog.
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site: Thomas Hariot Trail (1 mile) and Freedom Trail (2.5 miles)
Late morning and early afternoon spent at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site on Roanoke Island offered two nice short woodland hikes. Being the day after Christmas, we almost had the whole place to ourselves. I met a fellow UGRR researcher at the Visitor Center who helped establish the Freedom Trail here and though she couldn't hike with us, she was very excited to share some history of the Freedman's Colony that was located on this site after the Union Army took control of Roanoke Island.
Restored ramparts of Fort Raleigh, 1585 |
For the first English settlement in the New World, nothing much is here. The original fort and settlement site is the stuff of archeologists doing ground surveys and given that entire colony of settlers disappeared between 1587 and 1590, it all seems a bit mysterious. Included among the original expeditionary party were three naturalists, John White, Thomas Hariot and Joachim Gans. Thanks to the surviving field journals of John White who returned to England, we know something of the people they met here, animal and fish life, botany. The trail, however, is named for Thomas Hariot, a medicinal botanist and was a pleasant mile-long loop that wanders the maritime woods to the Roanoke Sound shoreline.
Erosion cuts into the maritime forest ... |
...as Roanoke Sound rises |
The most striking spot along this trail was the ruins of the grand Elizabethan Garden gate that once marked the grassy, grand entrance from the once long distant shore of the sound. The original shoreline as the settlers would have known is now over a mile and a half out. Rising seas and heavy storms over the last century are steadily encroaching on the forest and the historic grounds of the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site.
Powdered ruffle lichen |
Bark Rash Lichen |
Best described as an evergreen maritime forest, Yaupon Holly, Live Oak and Laurel Oak, Magnolia, and Loblolly predominated throughout the mile-long loop. Mosses and lichens added to the color and texture of the twisted limbs of the oaks while the more lateral and substantial branches held small gardens of fern and moss aloft. Partridge Berry blankets the forest floor while thick stands of Dwarf Palmetto blanketed the soft swales.
Yaupon Holly |
Laurel Oak |
Spanish Moss on Live Oak |
We moved across the historic site to connect with the Freedom Trail that follows an old pine woods road to the Croatan Sound. This was a nice stretch-your-legs and walk fast trail where we met a lot of dogs and their humans. Amos met lots of new friends. We rested on the pocket beach for snack break before turning back and enjoyed some birding. A series of interpretive signs with metal shadow figures helped me learn the history of emancipation and the Freedman's Colony on this site. It was very moving.
Interpretive signs and metal shadow figures on the Freedom Trail |
On the Croatan Sound |
Loblolly Pine |
Nags Head Woods Preserve (5 miles)
Owned and managed by the North Carolina Nature Conservancy, Nags Head Woods Preserve was hands-down my favorite hike. It was also longest hike of my visit to the Outer Banks. It was such a pleasant surprise to find this mature maritime woodland tucked behind the island resort town of Kill Devil Hills. It the largest surviving maritime forest tract on the Eastern Seaboard, a real gem of conservation stewardship.
Nature Conservancy Education Center |
The Education Center was closed for the holidays but maps were well stocked at the kiosk on the porch and after checking to see which trails were dog friendly, off we went. We combined the Old Nags Head Road with three of the trails for five miles, but could have done more.
Trail Kiosk |
Black Oak, Quercus velutina |
Oaks predominated along the trails with some very impressive Black Oak stands. American Beech, Hornbeam, Maple, Laurel Oak, Magnolia, Hickories, Black Gum, and other hardwoods typical of the Piedmont. Swamp Sweetbay, Yaupon Holly, and Dwarf Palmetto thickets grow along the ridges and down the slopes. Placed along the Roanoke Trail are QR-coded interpretive signs that link to the
Roanoke Trail Audio Tour with oral histories given by community members who once lived here when it was still a dispersed farming & fishing community. It was so cool to hear the voices of the people who lived among these woods while I hiked. We came across several old cemeteries walking along Old Nags Head Wood Road (dirt) and found plenty of interdunal ponds to explore along the trails. I listened to it again when I got back to the campsite at Oregon Inlet. Well done, NCNC.
Interdunal freshwater pond |
Over 60 species of freshwater fish, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians are found in and around the many ponds formed in the swales between the high standing ancient dunes. Though some of the ponds are dry, being vernal or affected by the drought, there were so many that were holding water and covered in bright green duck weed that I could see them at some distance from the top of the hills.
Old Nags Head Road cemetery |
Tillet Family cemetery |
The woods here are very much protected from the salt spray winds by the high dune field (60') at Jockey Ridge State Park just to the southeast. Here the trees stand tall and spread comfortably out into sunny patches without the forced flagging and wedge-shaped behavior of trees directly exposed to the harsh sea winds. Many of the trees are quite old, two hundred years or more. Pileated woodpeckers, sapsuckers, and flickers were everywhere tap-tapping and chattering.
Magnolia and Sweet Bay under the Loblolly Pines |
Tillet Farm site |
Marsh on the Sound |
We hiked out past the old Tillet farm site across a boardwalk over cordgrass marsh to the edge of the Roanoke Sound to a beautiful little pocket beach. I listened to the audio tour a little more while having a snack with Amos. The interview of Evelyn Gray's Christmas memories seemed especially poignant since today was only a two days after Christmas Day.
Cape Hatteras National Seashore: Buxton Woods Coastal Preserve & Buxton Woods ( 3 miles)
With the famous Cape Hatteras Lighthouse ensconced in heavy scaffolding for its renovation (after being moved further inland to the new Visitor Center site) we easily found the trails that led from the new main parking area to NPS Buxton Woods Trail and NC Buxton Woods Coastal Preserve (along Open Ponds Trail). Interdunal ponds are thick with cattail and common reed. Being so close to the ocean and its punishing winds, the forest here is primarily Live and Laurel Oak, Loblolly Pine, and Sweetbay. The forest was stunted, leaning landward, and flagged into wedge formation.
Leaning landward |
Dwarf Palmetto |
Interdunal freshwater pond |
We made our way across a boardwalk where Amos alerted to something heavy moving through a sedge and cane swale. Whatever it was, it never showed itself. We connected to the Open Ponds Trail to access the NC Buxton Woods Preserve and made a stop at another cemetery which only contained two graves, both Royal Navy sailors whose bodies washed up on the cape after their tanker ships were torpedoed by German U-boats during WWII.
British sailor's grave |
Something big this way comes... |
Southern Wax Myrtle |
We walked the Old Doctor's Road to return to the truck at the main parking area and met the nicest backpacker, a gentleman in his 70s, who had started the Mountain to the Sea Trail (1,175 miles) on Christmas Day. The trail begins in the dune field at Jockey Ridge State Park near where we were at Nags Head Woods Preserve. He has already hiked three days and is being supported by his companion who is driving a camper van where he sleeps every night after she picks him up. He is prepared for the longer stretched inland where day hiking is difficult and he is prepared for tent camping when he gets to those sections. As we stood there talking, his companion pulled in to pick him up for the night. They were headed back to a private campground for the night and invited me to come along to join them for dinner. I don't know why I declined but I did. They were the nicest people. Good luck, "Pop-Pop-Hikes" and "Slackvanner Anne" on your big adventure!
Nature Conservancy of North Carolina,
Nags Head Woods Preserve provides basic information on the site but the onsite education center (which was closed when I visited) has a ton more information. Free in the kiosks are bird, reptile, and plant lists as well as a general trail map. The Outer Banks Visitor Center website has more information on the history of the site. See the
Nags Head Woods Ecological Preserve page.
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